Degree Offered:
The Department of Architecture offers four-year programme and three-year programme (for Direct Entry students) leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Architecture. The Programme is designed to provide essential background for the professional needs of an architect.
The Undergraduate Programme
The undergraduate programme is a standard four-year programme leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Architecture. The programme is designed to provide essential background for the professional needs of an architect.
The philosophy of the programme is to develop and impart architectural education responsive to our environment and the needs of the people.
Objectives and Scope:
The programme is aimed at providing competent skilled and versatile architects capable of facing a broad spectrum of challenges of environmental design in Nigeria, in particular, and the global situation in general. To further this, the programme will exploit the rich culture and traditional architectural resources in the country and within its immediate environment. The programme has an in-built flexibility in the development of courses to allow for the changing needs of architectural education arising from changing social, economic, psychological and technological environment.
The Postgraduate Unit of the Department offers programmes leading to Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Master of Science (M.Sc) professional degree, Master of Architecture (M.Arch) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Architecture.
The postgraduate programmes in Architecture have been structured to produce highly skilled architects capable of facing a broad spectrum of challenges in environmental design in Nigeria, in particular, and with adequate professional knowledge of the global situation in general.
The programmes, therefore, seek to develop, through research, economical and efficient means and methods of building within the social, Physical, and cultural context. The student is expected to be conversant with research in decision theory, human behaviour patterns and perception, building science and technology, and art.
The programmes provide the student with information on current practice and recent advances in the art and science of architecture. Research topics will cover the past, the present and the future in architecture, and will be a definite contribution to knowledge.
- Postgraduate Diploma
The Postgraduate Diploma is for graduates of the University of Nigeria and other recognized Universities whose qualifications do not meet the entry requirement for Master’s Degree Work. Their low GPA is an indication of deficiency in some course of study and depth of knowledge. The programme therefore aims at improving their knowledge and understanding of architecture through coursework with Design and Design-related subjects as essential part of the programme. The programme extends over 2 semesters of one academic year. A student must obtain the minimum GPA of 3.5 on 5- point scale required by the School of Postgraduate Studies to qualify for admission into the M.Sc programme. A student who fails to qualify at the end of the first year may be allowed to repeat only once.
- M.Sc (Architecture) Degree
The mode of study is by coursework and research (with coursework predominating over research). The examination consists of written papers with research work to be presented in a Project Report consisting of Design Research Report, and Architectural Design (Design Project) defended orally before an External Examiner. The programme extends over a minimum of two academic years of two semesters each.
- M.Arch Degree
The mode of study is by coursework and research with research work predominating over coursework. The coursework is to be examined in written papers and the research work is to be presented in a Dissertation which will be defended before an External Examiner.
- For Ph.D
The programme consists entirely of research work culminating in the submission of a Thesis which must be judged to make an original contribution to knowledge, and publishable.
The Academic Board requires that candidates must perform satisfactorily in seminars before they can be certified ready for the Ph.D defence. The Department requires in addition that a candidate must have at least one publication in his area of research in a reputable journal before he can be adjudged ready for defence.
Duration of Programmes:
- PGD – Full-time: 2 semesters minimum, and 4 semesters maximum
- M.Sc – Full-time: 2 calendar years minimum, 4 calendar years maximum.
- M.Arch – (a) Full-time: 12 calendar months maximum
(b) Part-time: 18 calendar months minimum, 5 calendar years maximum.
- M.Sc/Ph.D or M.Arch/Ph.D – (a) Full-time: 3 calendar years minimum,
5 calendar years maximum
(b) Part-time: 4 calendar years minimum
6 calendar years maximum
- Ph.D – (a) Full-time: 2 calendar years minimum, 5 calendar years maximum
(b) Part-time: 3 calendar years minimum, 6 calendar years maximum.